Marcus Blackwell

Welcome to the world of autodidactic mixed media artist Marcus Blackwell. He cannot tell you how long artistic expression has been a part of his life, since it is imbedded in some of his earliest memories. He recalls as a boy learning from his father how to draw profiles; in fact, drawing has always been […]
Maureen Clark

It somehow seemed appropriate to interview painter Maureen Clark outside, and when you experience her work, you’ll know why. Maureen was always interested in art as a child, and her family encouraged her to study at Columbus College of Art of Design, where here uncle graduated. She had different plans, though. After graduating from high […]
Patsy Spencer

I’d like you to meet autodidactic mixed media artist Patsy Spencer. Patsy started late in life, after moving from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to New Concord, Ohio. Her Alabama family was definitely worried about her being “with all the Yankees.” Getting used to living in a small, rural community, and not knowing anyone just added to the […]
Sarah McCoy

Let’s meet autodidactic artist Sarah McCoy. Sarah began to paint only a little more than three years ago, after a mental health crisis. Following a hospitalization of several months, and an autism diagnosis, she found herself unemployed and uncertain what to do, having graduated with a law degree in 2016. Feeling she needed to do […]
Sonny Lee L

When I joined the Facebook Group The Art and Artists of 614, Sonny Lee L was one of the first members who immediately grabbed my attention. I think the sentiment must have been mutual, because when I approached him not long after that to inquire about an art trade (print for print) I was met […]