Just Looking Photo

Winter Ostinato

i   i feel you slowing my steps the heaviness in my feet the spinning of the wheels the up and down it must create threads of a different kind   i feel you striking my face the numbness on my cheeks from wind absorbed by my skin like the pointillistic marks of a Sunday […]


not all fractures occur suddenly in fact many happen slowly over time the acknowledgement of either process neither augments nor diminishes impact and i’m seeking models of resilience that resonate   recognizing the fracture can cause distress in fact that one realizes something has pulled apart maybe cracked or crumbled separating and i’m still seeking […]

Chicago Serenade

i forgot to be cold again and instead something else happened i don’t know if it was the kind of memory that one feels or smells (like spray starch) or something else because i’ve never really had the kind that people say is like a picture in your head (and what a cruel joke the […]

On Agnosticism

for one to say they do not hold onto belief paradoxically requires it and so the rightness of honesty when resting in the uncertainty of the not knowing now even without knowing one does is

did i ever know you

there is a feeling undefinable but uncomfortable some might call it hiraeth but it even goes further than that for in it is encapsulated an intensity in which one simultaneously refuses to release grasp and yet still seeks to touch that which cannot be consciously recalled recounted regurgitated and so we learn to love the […]

Welcome to Just Looking Photo

I’m glad you’re here. Come to think of it, I’m pretty glad to be here myself. It’s been a long time coming, but thanks to a grant from Greater Columbus Arts Council, and the excellent work of Connor, my web designer, I now have a home online. Honestly, life feels a bit like an Apricot […]